Well, after what can only be described as a cold and miserable start to the year, we are now full of the joys of Spring here at Winchcombe Reclamation. The weather has, I feel, hindered some building jobs but everything now seems that little bit more positive and the odd bit of blue sky and warmer weather definately helps!
Along with the finer weather, our yard takes on a new life during the spring time.

Plants have been springing up everywhere recently with a number of troughs and containers blooming again from previous years and new shoots coming to the trees along the river bank.
This natural environment is ideal for attracting wildlife. From the trout in the stream at the bottom of the yard to the butterflys sunning themselves on the cotswold stone and the numerous birds that join us each spring.
Some of our regular customers will fondly recall our resident robin, 'Bob' who appears year in and year out - ever present if you move a pallet in case it reveals any worms or insects!Also, I'm pleased to say that our swallows have returned to us for another year. We all get excited when we hear them arrive in the building after that unbelievably long journey.....

An exciting new addition to the wildlife here is a family of badgers and with our new toy of a trail camera we have been able to set up a 'badgercam' and see them in action. We hope to post updates of any activity here, on our blog...... our very own Springwatch!