Back at the start of 2012, we were involved in the demolition of a local Farmhouse. The building, which had stood empty for some time, had come to the end of its life and its many problems included poor insulation, damp, lack of foundations and woodworm to name but a few.
The plan was to clear the site to enable a new-build project.
We were able to salvage a great deal of materials from the demolition including roof tiles and fittings, elm flooring, timber and handmade bricks - over 4000nr of which were quickly turned around and supplied to a nearby Grade 1 Country house for renovation works.

The design for the new dwelling was for an innovative Eco House which embraced many modern, sustainable building techniques and, although our involvement in the project was fulfilled (apart from the occasional loan of our telehandler), we watched the build with interest and were kept up to date with Marks regular blog posts. We were particularly interested in some of the materials and techniques used such as the passive slab foundation, the use of Hemcrete and the solar thermal system.

Now this low energy, sustainable build is complete with fantastic results - So far, the house is proving to be negative energy and the property has been recognised by Stratford District Council as the winner of 'best new sustainable dwelling 2015' at the building excellence awards.
Should you want to read more about this project or simply be interested in the day-to-day encounters of a self-build project, take a look at
Marks blog.....