Friday, 12 May 2017

ZaZas Blog- May

I really do love this time of year and there's so much on this Month in and around Winchcombe!
Giffords circus are coming to town (May 18th - 22nd) and will be setting up their big top in Sudeley grounds, the annual walking festival takes place (May 19th - 21st) and you should have received your brochure for the festival of music and arts. This is my personal favourite, ending with a free street fair and festival fringe in North Street on bank holiday Monday (29th). You will also find Winchcombe Reclamation open over the bank holiday weekends so why not take the opportunity to call in and take a look around........?

Zebra Fact:
Zebra foals can walk within just 20 minutes of birth and run after an hour!